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Nos focus in essentialibus
Land Transport

DDS Land

LAND - The software module for overland transports

A Solution for all logistics processes in the area of direct/partial load and groupage transports

  • Multi-mandate capable
  • Compliance audit according to EU Regulation 2580-2001/881-2002
  • Service provider logic
  • Vehicle disposition
  • Telematic interfaces
    • Spedion
    • Kratzer Automation AG
    • AIS
  • Pallet management
  • Billing customers/entrepreneurs/service providers
  • Service provider/shipper interfaces
    • CTL
    • Cargoline
    • GEL
    • 24PLUS
    • VTL
    • SIM
    • K&N (Albord)
    • DATEV

Video on how to enter an order in DDS Land Transport

DDS Air fright


AIR - The software module for air freight

A Solution for all logistics processes in the area of direct/partial load and groupage transports

  • Multi-mandate capable
  • Compliance audit according to EU Regulation 2580-2001/881-2002
  • eAWB interface (Traxxon,ChampAero)
  • Service provider interfaces
    • DATEV
  • Manifestation
  • MAWB/HAWB processing/billing
  • Offer management
  • Sea Freight HBL Settlement/Accounting
    • Port papers (HHLA)
    • Advice notes
    • Bookingnote
    • Customs clearance order
    • Transport order
DDS Warehouse

DDS Warehouse

Warehouse - The software module for warehouse management

A Solution for all logistics processes in the warehouse area

  • Multi-mandate capable
  • Compliance audit according to EU Regulation 2580-2001/881-2002
  • Departures/Accessions Management
  • Inventory management FiFo/MHD or batch
  • Dispatch data transfer to DDS Land
  • Storage location management / scanning
  • Proof of stock movement / inventory
  • Disposition
    • Warehouse outlet
    • Commsioning
  • Minimum stockholding
DDS Financial Accounting

DDS Financial Accounting

FiBu - The financial accounting software module

Relaxed integration of billing processes into financial accounting

  • Multi-mandate capable
  • Compliance audit according to EU Regulation 2580-2001/881-2002
  • Foreign currency
  • OP invoice administration
  • Credit limit monitoring
  • Ranking list
  • GPDSU - Interface
  • Cost centre accounting
  • SEPA payment transactions
  • Freely selectable charts of accounts
  • Simplified accounting/recording of receipts
  • Dunning system
  • Real-time reporting
    • Advance turnover tax return
    • ZM Notification EU
    • GuV
    • Totals/balances
DDS Cargo Control

DDS Cargo Control

Cargo Control

Cargo control for the following points

  • LBA compliant order entry
  • REGB handling of secure air freight
  • Examination of authorised carriers
  • Examination of regulated agents
  • Determine SPX, HCRM, Unsecured
  • Settlement
  • Driver input module multilingual
  • Hall scanning
  • X-ray control
  • Truck standing time accounting
  • Storage licence notification by e-mail to storage customer
  • Create AWB label
Bild WebConnect

DDS WebConnect

WebConnect - Your customer portal

Abbildung DDS-WebConnect Kundenportal

With DDS-WebConnect you and your customers get a web interface. Your customer receives all the current statuses of his orders. When data is released, your customer can enter order data that is automatically transferred to DDS Logistics.

  • Shipment status in real time - everything in view
  • Enter order - transmit orders quickly
  • Dangerous goods recording according to ADR
  • Functional Service Text Management
  • Label printing with sequential barcodes
  • Loading list - for the complete overview

more details

Bild der DDS-WebConnect Status Seite

Status of shipments - Everything at a glance
On the Status-Page your customer gets an overview of all his orders with you. When the data is released, he can send individual or several orders to your in-house system.
It can print labels or a special loading list and process orders that have not yet been sent.

Bild der DDS-WebConnect Order Seite

Enter order - transmit orders quickly
In Order-Erfassung all data for the order is recorded. You specify frankings and service texts for the customer here by means of master data management.
The customer himself can store customer addresses, contents of the consignment, dangerous goods according to ADR and information texts through his own master data administration, which accelerate the order entry.
In addition, the customer can upload documents that will be sent to you when the order data is sent.

Bild der DDS-WebConnect Gefahrgut

Dangerous goods recording according to ADR
The recording of dangerous goods data according to ADR is integrated in the order entry. With its own data management of the dangerous goods, your customer can quickly and the complex recording of dangerous goods quickly and easily.

Bild eines DDS-WebConnect Label

Label printing with sequential barcodes
If your customer is to label the packages of the consignment themselves, you can specify this. In this case, the labels are automatically output with consecutive barcodes that you have stored in a barcode number range in your master data administration.

Bild der DDS-WebConnect Ladeliste

Loading list - for the complete overview
When your customer sends the order data to you, a loading list with all orders for the customer is automatically printed. After sending the data, your customer can no longer make any changes to the orders.



We publish two newsletters, the DDS Software Newsletter (contains all news about DDS Logistics, DDS Cloud + DDS Archive) and the DDS Data Protect Newsletter (contains everything about DDS data protection).

Interested in our newsletter? Click here for registration.


  • · Customer Service 05.04.2024

    New remote maintenance: "DDS - Rustdesk"

    A cyber security incident at the manufacturer Anydesk in February prompted us to actively warn our customers about the potential risks of the use of Anydesk. Due to what we consider to be inadequate communication with the manufacturer, we have replaced Anydesk in less than 2 weeks with a self-developed solution (based on Rustdesk).

    • · Independence from third-party manufacturers
    • · Switching servers are operated by DDS
    • · Location of all services in Germany
    • · Particularly high security thanks to closed user groups defined by DDS
    • · Encrypted communication

  • · Cloud 05.05.2024

    Update of the online server.

    The online servers receive additional features:
    Improved security:

    • · Authentication with 2 factors (MFA)
    • · Renewal of the firewall
    • · Enlarged backup memory
    • · Prevention of access from problematic third countries

    Improved performance:
    • · New hardware with data centre M2 storage
    • · More RAM and faster processors

  • · Data protection 23.06.2023

    Windows10 security updates

    As of now, Windows10 has only one version that will continue to receive security updates (22H2). We recommend all Windows 10 users to check their installed version and update if necessary.

  • · Logistics 02.05.2024

    Shipment tracking - new feature in DDS WebConnect Online

    Automated shipment tracking (e-mail dispatch on status change with link to status website) for predefined statuses from your in-house system. New feature in your customer portal now online.

  • · DDS 07.07.2023

    DDS research project in the field of AI + BMBF

    Dragon Data Solutions was already commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with a research project in the field of AI in 2020. Now we are also allowed to "decorate" our services with the BSFZ-Seal.

  • · Data protection 17.04.2024

    Top GDPR fines

    • 75.000 € Company (Germany) - Sick notes in the e-mail distribution list
    • 145.000 € Consultancy firm (Spain) - Failure to encrypt a USB stick
    • 79.107.101 € Enel Energia S.p.A. (Italy) - Insufficient protection of a CRM system database
    • 10.000.000 € Uber Technologies Inc. and Uber B.V. (Netherland) - Violation of information obligations and data subject rights
    • 32.000.000 € AMAZON FRANCE LOGISTIQUE (France) - Disproportionate surveillance of employees

  • · Data protection 26.05.2023

    Whistleblower Protection Act - What companies must do now:

    Above all, companies with usually more than 50 employees are affected by the Whistleblower Protection Act ("HinSchG"). They will have to set up and operate internal whistleblowing units as of the entry into force in June 2023.



emerged from NWS GmbH (Laufach) we are a software company specialising in the development of logistics software. With our many years of experience in the logistics and IT security industry, we have an efficient answer to today's and tomorrow's requirements. In addition to the classic use of software, the services of Dragon Data Solutions GmbH also include the provision of a complete and secure IT infrastructure for transport service providers in the cloud.
Consulting services relating to data protection and the secure operation of an IT system are just as much a part of the portfolio of Dragon Data Solutions GmbH as specialised and individual consulting services relating to the integration of IT in logistics. as well as specialised and individual consulting services for the integration of IT in logistics.


Marcus G. Walker | Managing Directors | Axel Karl

Contact details



DDS software in the cloud

We offer you the possibility to access your applications worldwide and independent of location on our cloud servers, whether on the road, in the home office or in the office.
You have access to your real-time data at all times. Cost transparency, and flexibility are just some of the some of the advantages. Contact us, we will be happy to plan the relocation of your DDS software in cooperation with you.

DDS billing of notice texts in consignments

The billing of information texts within the logistics groups or also in cargo transport is of the utmost importance. This gives you the opportunity to create a customised offer for your customer for different services, to invoice this according to the situation, without having to manually intervene in the settlement each time.
We make it possible for you to condition each consignment individually and according to the situation for your customers without great effort and to support the employee automatically in invoicing the consignment. and to support the employee automatically with the accounting of the consignment.

DDS-USt-Id check

A company/entrepreneur needs a VAT ID if it participates in the trade of goods and services within the EU. The VAT ID must be checked for correctness within the scope of transactions with foreign partners in the EU according to § 6a para. 4 UStG. A corresponding module within the DDS software can support you with the qualified query. Please contact us.

Pallet exchange procedure

According to a study by the German Association of Freight Forwarders and Logistics (Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik), the cost of management effort in freight forwarding companies for exchanging euro empty pallets in the first half of 2022 were between 5.69 and 6.72 euros per pallet; in 2009 these costs were on average 2.78 euros.