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Terminal server

Work, no matter where!

Bild einer Frau auf einer Bank beim arbeiten

Provide your team with a simple, digital workspace - from any device - in the office, at your customers' premises, on the road or in the home office. Our solution gives you access from anywhere, easily integrating scanners and printers and accessing your digital cloud office via our secure, encrypted access to your digital cloud office.

Highest data security
Our cloud servers are located in DSGVO-compliant data centres in Germany and Finland. By "mirroring" the servers in different data centres and the use of state-of-the-art security solutions, we can guarantee the highest level of data security and fail-safe operation.

Personal service
In addition to personal advice, a personal contact person is available to you.

Bild von Kontroll Monitoren


Monitoring of all infrastructure components

Abbildung Diagramme Prozessorlast und Speicherkapazität

  • Individual parameters, directories, log entries, etc.
  • Automatic alerting of our system specialists in case of critical conditions 24/7
  • Automatic detection of unusual values.


We publish two newsletters, the DDS Software Newsletter (contains all news about DDS Logistics, DDS Cloud + DDS Archive) and the DDS Data Protect Newsletter (contains everything about DDS data protection).

Interested in our newsletter? Click here for registration.


  • · Customer Service 05.04.2024

    New remote maintenance: "DDS - Rustdesk"

    A cyber security incident at the manufacturer Anydesk in February prompted us to actively warn our customers about the potential risks of the use of Anydesk. Due to what we consider to be inadequate communication with the manufacturer, we have replaced Anydesk in less than 2 weeks with a self-developed solution (based on Rustdesk).

    • · Independence from third-party manufacturers
    • · Switching servers are operated by DDS
    • · Location of all services in Germany
    • · Particularly high security thanks to closed user groups defined by DDS
    • · Encrypted communication

  • · Cloud 05.05.2024

    Update of the online server.

    The online servers receive additional features:
    Improved security:

    • · Authentication with 2 factors (MFA)
    • · Renewal of the firewall
    • · Enlarged backup memory
    • · Prevention of access from problematic third countries

    Improved performance:
    • · New hardware with data centre M2 storage
    • · More RAM and faster processors

  • · Data protection 23.06.2023

    Windows10 security updates

    As of now, Windows10 has only one version that will continue to receive security updates (22H2). We recommend all Windows 10 users to check their installed version and update if necessary.

  • · Logistics 02.05.2024

    Shipment tracking - new feature in DDS WebConnect Online

    Automated shipment tracking (e-mail dispatch on status change with link to status website) for predefined statuses from your in-house system. New feature in your customer portal now online.

  • · DDS 07.07.2023

    DDS research project in the field of AI + BMBF

    Dragon Data Solutions was already commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with a research project in the field of AI in 2020. Now we are also allowed to "decorate" our services with the BSFZ-Seal.

  • · Data protection 17.04.2024

    Top GDPR fines

    • 75.000 € Company (Germany) - Sick notes in the e-mail distribution list
    • 145.000 € Consultancy firm (Spain) - Failure to encrypt a USB stick
    • 79.107.101 € Enel Energia S.p.A. (Italy) - Insufficient protection of a CRM system database
    • 10.000.000 € Uber Technologies Inc. and Uber B.V. (Netherland) - Violation of information obligations and data subject rights
    • 32.000.000 € AMAZON FRANCE LOGISTIQUE (France) - Disproportionate surveillance of employees

  • · Data protection 26.05.2023

    Whistleblower Protection Act - What companies must do now:

    Above all, companies with usually more than 50 employees are affected by the Whistleblower Protection Act ("HinSchG"). They will have to set up and operate internal whistleblowing units as of the entry into force in June 2023.



emerged from NWS GmbH (Laufach) we are a software company specialising in the development of logistics software. With our many years of experience in the logistics and IT security industry, we have an efficient answer to today's and tomorrow's requirements. In addition to the classic use of software, the services of Dragon Data Solutions GmbH also include the provision of a complete and secure IT infrastructure for transport service providers in the cloud.
Consulting services relating to data protection and the secure operation of an IT system are just as much a part of the portfolio of Dragon Data Solutions GmbH as specialised and individual consulting services relating to the integration of IT in logistics. as well as specialised and individual consulting services for the integration of IT in logistics.


Marcus G. Walker | Managing Directors | Axel Karl

Contact details



The cloud is safe

Working on servers in the cloud can be made at least as secure as working on your own in-house server (often called "on premise"). DDS has taken very extensive security measures to make working on its cloud servers so secure that we have now achieved an availability of over 99.99% over the years. The most important measures include the parallel connection of each server in two different data centres, 24/7 monitoring and extensive technical measures to secure user accounts.

Where is my data when working in the cloud ?

At DDS, your data is stored on dedicated servers in two high-security data centres in Germany and Finland. In addition, it is stored on dedicated and partitioned backup storage in both data centres. DDS also offers its customers the option of synchronise the data on their own in-house server (on premise). This means that even in the event of a failure of the Internet connection, work can be continue with current data.

What are my advantages when working in the cloud ?

The advantages lie in particular in the flexibility with simultaneous reduction of your IT costs.

How do I access my system in the cloud ?

Access can be from any device:

Let your employees access their personal virtual workplace from anywhere in the world via remote desktop. We recommend the Microsoft Remote Desktop software. This is available cross-platform for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.